In this landmark episode, we break the news - that we're going to be doubling down and giving you TWICE the episodes we've been giving you, just like the old days. Look for news and deals every other week, and our special FREE to PLAY segment every other week from that! In this episode, it's Cardapalooza with Sentinels of the Multiverse and Magic: The Gathering! Also some PlayStation TV bites, some powdery Xbox snorts, and some dealz so fat, they require a 'z' for proper pluralization!
Daily Archives: October 24, 2014
In our inaugural “Free-to-Play” episode, we cover Howie’s delight with Guns and Robots, special guest Garrick sneaks in some Smash Bros, and after touching briefly on Unturned Multiplayer, Corey delves deep on first impressions of the new FtP MMO ArchAge! […]