The Force Awakens – Counterpoint Review Featuring Steve Potter Foreign Correspondent in the UK: So yeah… STILL no show notes – more Spoilers! In Other News… Valence Saber Indiegogo Campaign Twitter @valence_saber Facebook valencesaber SHOUT-OUTS @spotter301u Fly Casual Foreign Correspondent, Steve Potter in the UK The […]
Monthly Archives: January 2016
The Force Awakens – Counterpoint Review Featuring Steve Potter Foreign Correspondent in the UK: So yeah… STILL no show notes – more Spoilers! In Other News… Valence Saber Indiegogo Campaign Twitter @valence_saber Facebook valencesaber SHOUT-OUTS @spotter301u Fly Casual Foreign Correspondent, Steve Potter in the […]
The Force Awakens – Counterpoint! | Ep 71
Movie Review: The Force Awakens by Michael Archbold This review is rated SPOILERIFIC by Fly Casual Podcast. Virgin eyes and ears have been warned. The Force Awakens is here! FINALLY! After a year and a half of all the news, rumors […]
Mary Sue, I Love You! – Movie Review: The Force Awakens
It's a hootin', hollerin' new year, and we're back in the saddle with some deals. Plus, we try to crack the code over the Steam Holiday Sale before we - that's right - before we jump on the bandwagon and hand out our slap-dash 2015 game awards.
Press Play to Save Ep116: Hide in the bale… of hay
It’s a hootin’, hollerin’ new year, and we’re back in the saddle with some deals. Plus, we try to crack the code over the Steam Holiday Sale before we – that’s right – before we jump on the bandwagon and […]